Friday, July 31, 2009

Louise likes Ski-ing

In the holidays I went ski-ing up at Coronet Peak. I went on the chairlift and it was cool. I had a ski lesson in the morning and my mum and dad skied with me all afternoon. I lost my pole on the chairlift but I got it back from a boy who found it. He was on the chair lift behind me and dad.

The snow was soft and cold because when I fell over sometimes it went up my back. It was a nice sunny day up there. We drove through cloud on the way up because it was cloudy in Queenstown. The top of the mountain was sunny.

We saw Fergus from room 1 and his family there.

There was lunch included in my ski lesson and lots of kids in the restaurant.
Me and mum had a hot chocolate at the end of the day. It was yum! We went back to Nan and Grumps house and I slept very well after my big day out.

From Louise Shanks

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Milli and Chloe masterpiece

Chloe came to stay the night at Milli's house on saturday.
we made a Butterfly Icecream Cake out of playdoh. It has a star in the middle.
It also has candles on it.
Here are some photos of it.
See you all at school tomorrow
From Milli and Chloe

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi from Emily

I am visiting family and friends on the North Island. We have done lots of fun things.
-On the way up on the plane we did some really tricky maths.
-One day we went to the Cirque du Soleil birthday party. There I was invited up on the stage to do some hoolahooping. We got given helium balloons.
-When we got home my friend Stella and I got our faces painted.
-We also spent some time on Kawau Island with my cousin Kane, his mum and dad, as well as my grandparents.
-Some days we spent our time doing lots of shopping for clothes and shoes.
-Me and mummy also went to the Cirque du Soleil one evening and I went to bed almost at midnight. The Circus was fantastic.
-On rainy days I spend some time doing lots of paintings. I am making a book where all the paintings are attached.
-We are also visiting many new places arround here, like caves, beaches and play grounds.
Now I better go because we are off to go back to Kawau Island. So bye bye, see you at school soon.

Emily :-)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Look who came to visit

Hi Everyone. Hope you are all having a great holiday. We have all had bugs over the holidays so far, but we seem to have improved now. Flynn came for a visit on Friday and ended up staying for the afternoon and having tea with us. He is really happy in his new house and new school and is doing really well. There are less pupils in the classes in the new school than in Te Anau School. Eden's room only has 11 children in it and 2 teachers!!

There should be two photos attached to this blog of William and Flynn together. They had lots and lots of fun and got REALLY DIRTY in the back garden where the digger had been. I hope I manage to get the pictures on all right - I haven't done this before.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays. We are not doing much until Friday and then we are going to Gore for the day to hopefully go ice skating and swimming and then we are going through to Queenstown on Saturday to go skiing. Hopefully we will get to school on Monday in one piece.

Bye for now. Sandra Soper (William's mum)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mrs Hansen's Holiday

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic holiday so far. I have been away hunting this week with Mr Hansen and Tyler. We had a great time down the Hollyford Valley and caught lots of possums and Mr Hansen even shot a deer!

Remember: If you write on our blog make sure you put your name so we know who wrote the post.
Be good and have lots of fun! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures!

Love Mrs Hansen :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


perfecto last night I stayed up until 10 o clock playing monopoly with Mum and Dad.
It was a very long game it was four hours in total. The different money amounts are 1s
5s 10s 20s 50s 100s and 500s. Mum lost I came second and Dad won the game.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

jamies speech

I had lots of fun doing my speeches infront of everyone and i was very scared but i made it.

from Jamie.

From Riku

Hello everyone! I am in Japan!

Guess what!

It is summer here and a lot warmer than Te Anau.

I got two new Transformers already! My uncle and

I are going shopping together (and I think he will

get me some new toys)on this satarday.

I have been sleeping on the floor and eating sticky rice

all the time.

I play soccer and swimming with Japanese kids.

They are very very tiny!!!
Have a good school holiday every one!

See you soon.

By Riku